Diamond Jubilee Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral

This year, to mark the 60th anniversary of the Trust, we have arranged two special events. Our Jubilee Choral Evensong was held on May 11th; and our Annual Meeting is to be held at Rycote on September 11th by invitation of Bernard and Sarah Taylor.

Evensong at Christ Church was a splendid and joyous occasion attended by some 200 members and guests of the Trust. We were honoured by the presence of Brigadier Dr Dennis Blease, His Majesty’s Deputy Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, by Mr James Macnamara, the High Sheriff, and by Mrs Elizabeth Leffman, the Leader of the County Council. The Dean, the Very Rev’d Prof. Sarah Foot, led our prayers, and the Bishop of Dorchester gave the Blessing.  We were joined by representatives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham and of local Non-Conformist Churches.

Fine singing was provided by Cathedral girls choir, The Frideswide Voices, and the men of the Cathedral Choir. This was also a special occasion for the Frideswide Voices who had hosted aspiring choristers for the day and prepared them to sing the introit. We also had festive organ music played by the Organist, Richard Moore. The Trust’s representatives, along with the families of the aspiring choristers and the Saturday evening congregation, raised the roof with their hymn singing.

We were delighted to have almost 100 guests from parishes who had recently received grants from the Trust. It was especially heartening to meet so many who care about their churches and who work hard to preserve them for everyone.

The address by the Rev’d William Whyte (Professor of Social and Architectural History) was a tour de force which grappled skilfully (and not without a touch of humour) with the seemingly unhelpful readings set for the day by the Lectionary. He concluded that by helping to preserve our churches, some of the great works of art in England, the Trust was enabling people to catch a glimpse of God. The Trust is grateful to William for his address and for letting us reproduce the text here.

Following the service, on a glorious early summer evening, we enjoyed a drinks reception in the cathedral garden.

We are indebted to the Dean and Chapter for making this celebration of the Trust possible, and we are glad to thank them, and the Precentor, the cathedral musicians, staff and volunteers who put in a great deal of work to ensure that everything went well.

Stephen Goss  (Chair of Trustees)

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