- As always it is good to get advance publicity such as ‘celebrities’ who might take part in some way – if not actually participating but waving off a group or welcoming them at a particular church, or if you hear of someone doing something different please let us know as it makes good publicity for the event as a whole.
- Nearly £250,000 was awarded in Grants in 2019 – a truly magnificent sum. This is due in no small part to the income generated by Ride and Stride. If your church has received a Grant from OHCT or is planning to apply please do highlight this – local interest is excellent publicity!
- Do remember to mention any outstanding achievements of participants from your Church and if you have not already done so, let people know how much you raised last year.Posters, sponsor forms, etc are now available; please get the posters up as soon as possible and encourage anyone who might like to take part.Electronic files are available from the Ride and Stride Administrator.
- Do remind people that if they are unable to take part on the day they can do so at another time, but it is unlikely that they will be able to have their sponsor forms signed.
- An increasing number of people have been sponsored for signing people in at their Church, so please encourage your Welcomers to do this.
Please encourage people to set up a Virgin Money Donate page – this is an easy and safe way to get sponsorship.