
We have cycling and walking routes as well as Bishop Gavin’s previous routes available for download.

Ride and Stride banners - first come first served

Banners are now available to order.

£15 per banner on a first-come-first-served basis.

Email Hilary if you’re interested: [email protected]

Planning a 'staycation'? Why not visit some curiouser churches?

There are many interesting churches all over the South East, but in particular in Oxfordshire. If you are out and about in the county, then we suggest that you visit one of our Curiouser & Curiouser churches. Whilst the churches listed are normally open daily, some are currently open with reduced opening hours. Most will have guidelines displayed for your safety and the safety of others – please be sure to follow them.

Online videos: New OHCT video shorts

Guidance on the Care of Church Buildings     
Presented by Camilla Finlay of Acanthus Clews Architects

Preparing for new work: feasibility studies
Further videos will address common problems with advice on what to do
e.g.  – water ingress, types of rot, cracked masonry, sagging stained glass, etc.

New and improved Roof Alarm Grants

You can now apply for a grant of up to 80% of the cost of an alarm plus the first year’s maintenance

Testing a popup