£15000: refurbishment works
£6000: replacement of lead roof
£2000: repairs to chancel east window
£10000: roof repairs
£1000: repairs to graveyard wall
£3500: repairs to roof
£6000: modernisation
£1000: rainwater goods
£6000: stonework repairs
£10000: repairs to tower
£3000: floor repairs, new servery and WC
£500: new heating
£16000: drainage work, lighting and heating
£12000: new facilities
£10000: upgrading footpath, disabled WC
£4000: installation of pipe organ
£2000: repairs to vestry chimney
£8000: repairs to courtyard wall
£20000: modernisation, WC and kitchen
£20000: repairs to roof, lighting improvements
£500: repairs to roof/timbers
£2500: restoration of medieval windows
£9000: tower works
£3000: rainwater goods
£6000: refurbishment of bells
£5000: repairs, WC and kitchen
£2000: cladding repairs
£3000: works and repairs
£15000: works to floors, heating and lighting
£8500: structural repairs to tower
£5000: repairs to roof
£6000: repairs to roof and stonework
£3000: tomb works and PA system
£5000: lighting improvements
£2000: restoration of organ