Booking is now open for summer events

Booking for OHCT events up to early July 2019 is now open and can be done here.

Booking details for the following events will be announced in June:

Wednesday July 24th: Annual Meeting of the Trust at Burford: We are trying a new format this year: meeting at 4pm followed by a tour of the church and Evening Prayer. Afterwards – ploughman’s for supper with bar, outside if the weather is fine

Mid-August: Our popular evening visit organised by Holly Kilpatrick. See the church at Kingston Lisle and join in supper in the local pub.

Saturday September 14th: Ride and Stride

Wednesday October 16th: Blenheim Lecture. Our annual reception and lecture in Blenheim Palace. John Simpson, World Affairs Editor of BBC News, will speak on: The Emergence of China as a World Power: Reflections on Fifty Years of Broadcasting.

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