Trust’s roadshow formula pays off…

‘Can We Help Your Church?’ – OHCT roadshow in Church Enstone on Sunday 7 April.

Two dozen representatives of churches and chapels with projects in mind met in the wonderful St Kenelm’s (pictured) in Church Enstone on the evening of Sunday 7 April to learn how and, perhaps just as important, how not to go about church projects. They also learnt how OHCT and the DAC can help.

They heard from Sophie Hammond, of the DAC Secretariat, and David Warr, a retired senior church architect, as well as from OHCT officers and Charles Powell, the coordinator of the project at St Kenelm’s.

This was the second of these ‘roadshows’. The participants included enthusiastic visitors from Berkshire and Somerset. Participants’ main criticism was that there was too much information to take in at the time! But each took home a folder of handouts with all the key points and received the formal presentations electronically afterwards. They were unanimous in finding it a helpful and inspiring occasion. They particularly appreciated the ability to chat about their projects afterwards.

The answer to the question in the title was that OHCT undoubtedly can help your church project, but another lesson was that Oxfordshire’s churches and chapels should also help OHCT and themselves by becoming corporate and individual members and getting more people to take part in the Ride and Stride event in September.

Each time we are keen to improve the formula for these roadshows. So look out for the next one, if your church or chapel has a project in mind. It will probably be in the south of the county towards the end of 2019 or early in 2020.

Our thanks to the congregation of St Kenelm’s for their hospitality and refreshments (including delicious cake). The church itself is an inspiring example of what can be achieved with time and determination, and, particularly with its new mosaic reredos by Nicholas Mynheer, it now has the ‘WOW factor’. It is well worth a visit!

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