St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ashbury

New Accessible Toilet and Kitchenette facility
OHCT grant: £5,000

For some time, the PCC had considered what was needed in order to provide a toilet facility within the church. So in early 2018, we set about deciding what we needed to do.  Our architect drew up plans and we obtained advice from the Diocese. We applied for a faculty which was granted in March 2019.  We then had to apply for grants to enable us to carry out the building work.  We were very lucky and grateful to receive grants from OHCT, Oxford Glebe and Buildings Committee, Doris Field Charitable Trust, Garfield Weston, Gladiator Trust, Oxford Diocese Development Fund, William Cash Fund which, together with fundraising events and donations enabled us to commence work in January 2020. Finally, we needed planning permission for the new drain which would cross the front of our churchyard.

When the drain work started an archaeological watching brief was required in case we disturbed any bones or unearthed any interesting historic artefacts. Whilst an exciting prospect, given the long history of the site, we hoped any discoveries would not hold up completion of the project.

Work commenced in January 2020 and went smoothly with completion at the start of March just before the Coronavirus lockdown.  We did have two services in the church to use the facilities before temporarily closing the church.  So now we can’t wait to be able to reopen and have a service of celebration.  These new facilities offer hospitality to everyone who comes into our church.

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